November came and went a little faster than October. (It is a whole day shorter than October!) Lots of leaf raking... as seen below.

I was trying to re-create a picture from last year, one that is on the desk top of my laptop. The kids couldn't open their eyes because the sun was actually shining. It was too cute!

Look out! She's armed and dangerous! Amos and I let them destroy our leaf piles ONE of the many times we had to rake our yard. They sure had fun! Mia is actually quite helpful!

My brother, Mike, took this picture after we sat for a while taking family pictures with my family. It was getting dark and the kids were not exactly the most willing of subjects! But, a family picture is never easily acquired, so it is treasured that much more!

This is my ADORABLE little nephew, Jack! He is my BUDDY! I just love his adorable smile and sweet personality! This picture was taken after we hiked the "Y" on the day after Thanksgiving.

Gabriel! What a sweetie! This was taken on Thanksgiving Day at my parent's house.

This is my nephew, Jack, with my mom at my parent's house after hiking the "Y."

The day after Thanksgiving-- Mike, Tiffany (Mike's girlie-friend) and Mia, enjoying some leftovers!

Look at that wicked grin! You just know that girl is up to no good, right?!?
Yay! Another update. We need to see you guys soon. We miss you.
Two children are a lot of fun, hope things are great. We are doing well.
Hello! I found your blog through Jenny Spencer's. I just skimmed the whole thing - super cute pictures! Love it.
But you need one thing.... UPDATES! Especially since we're not in your ward anymore :( So start BLOGGIN'!
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